The ways of Improving the Innovation Management in Ukraine Using the International Development
Bokovets, V.
Moskvichova, O.
Hryhoruk, I.
Suprunenko, S.
Боковець, В. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЛМ [154]
In the world economic space there is a complex transition from industrial technological system to
postindustrial, in which the high tech, informatization and knowledge economy takes on the
dominating role of the driving forces of development. Naturally, for such a turn of events, economic
science was not well prepared, and today there is a certain gap between the practice of accelerated
changes and the scientific provision of these processes. First of all, it concerns the development of a
strategy and mechanisms for the development of the country's economy and identifying
opportunities for realizing its innovative potential by doing innovative management. The researchers
consider innovative management in their work in a number of aspects: science and art of innovative
management (I. Dichkivska, P. Zavlin); kind of administrative activity in making decisions on
innovations (I. Balabanov, M. Yon, V. Stadnik,); management of innovations (N. Kruglov, A.
Porshnev); a system of rules of principles, norms, values orientations that regulate various spheres of
innovation activity (V. Vasilenko, L. Oholova). In innovative management, the methods of sociopsychological series, heuristic and collegial (I. Ansoff, B. Gates, L. Karuushkha, A. Morita) prevail.
There is a change in the general functions, structure and objectives of management (L. Danilenko, L.
Oholova), there are special means and forms of organization of innovation activity (V. Vasilenko, L.
Vashchenko).The study of literary sources and their generalization shows the importance of this
issue, and requires a more in-depth study and analysis of international experience in implementing
innovative measures. The research objective. The main purpose of this study is to analyze measures
to stimulate innovation development in the countries of the world, assessment of their effectiveness,
as well as consideration of the directions on the basis of their activation of innovation activity in
Ukraine. The article reveals the essence of the concept of "innovative management", analyzes the
international experience in implementing and stimulating the innovation process. Thus, to
summarize, it can be concluded that the experience of leading countries in stimulating innovation
usually involves quite similar measures, namely: subsidies, tax cuts or, in some cases, tax holidays,
payment of a share of R & D expenditure. The following organizations are created: informational,
technical, financial support for business engaged in innovation activities. Stimulates the development
of innovations at the level of universities and other scientific institutions.
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