Modification of working surfaces details by processing with laser irradiation
Savulyak, Valery
Shilina, Olena
Shenfeld, Valery
Kryvonosov, Valery
Molodetska, Tetyana
Smolarz, Andrzej
Shayakhmetova, Assem
Turdalyuly, Mussa
Савуляк, В. І.
Шиліна, О. П.
Шенфельд, В. Й.
Молодецька, Т. І.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ГМ [398]
In order to prevent surface adhesion processes between the two friction surfaces and to reduce static friction coefficients,
it is proposed to treat them with laser irradiation and doping with graphene nanoplatelets. The effects of laser irradiation
modes on the depth and structure of the modified surface layers were investigated. It was shown that by remelting the
surface with laser radiation it is possible to obtain a metal layer with a fine microstructure and sufficiently high hardness.
The doping with graphene nanoplatelets made it possible to block the uneven grain growth of the matrix phase of the
coating and ensure its homogeneity. An examination of the parameters of the obtained coating after laser remelting
shows their sensitivity to changes in the scanning speed of the laser beam on the surface. This makes it possible to
control the properties of the surface layers.