Показати скорочену інформацію

dc.contributor.authorAzarova, Anzhelikauk
dc.contributor.authorAzarova, Larysauk
dc.contributor.authorNikiforova, Liliiauk
dc.contributor.authorAzarova, Veronikauk
dc.contributor.authorTeplova, Olenauk
dc.contributor.authorKryvinska, Nataliauk
dc.contributor.authorАзарова, А. О.uk
dc.contributor.authorАзарова, Л. Є.uk
dc.contributor.authorНікіфорова, Л. О.uk
dc.contributor.authorАзарова, В. В.uk
dc.identifier.citationAzarova A., Azarova L., Nikiforova L., Azarova V., Teplova O., Kryvinska N. Neural network technologies of investment risk estimation taking into account the legislative aspect // Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems (CITRisk 2020) colocated with XX International scientific and technical conference on Information Technologies in Education and Management (ІТЕМ 2020), Kherson, Ukraine, October 15-16, 2020. 2020. Pp. 308-323. URI: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2805.uk
dc.description.abstractThe article proposes conceptual bases of formalization of the investment risk estimation process by means of mathematical and computer modeling on the basis of neural network technologies. The methodological approach to investment risk estimation has been improved. It allows identifying project risk and investment feasibility with using of Hamming neural network accurately and reasonably, reducing the cost of investment making decision and allows self-learning specialized network. The structural hierarchical model of the investment risk estimation process has been improved. It allows decomposing and simplifying the formalization procedure as well as allows simultaneous estimation of the financial ratio of the enterprise and its proposed investment project. The proposed mathematical model was verified and its adequacy was checked by comparing the results obtained on the basis of the application of existing methods and the approach developed by the authors of the article. This revealed the significant advantages of the method proposed in the article. The proposed approach was successfully implemented to estimate the investment risk of 20 domestic enterprises and projects.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems (CITRisk 2020) colocated with XX International scientific and technical conference on Information Technologies in Education and Management (ІТЕМ 2020), Kherson, Ukraine, October 15-16, 2020 : 308-323.uk
dc.subjectInvestment riskuk
dc.subjectinvestment projectuk
dc.subjectneural network technologiesuk
dc.subjectHamming neural networkuk
dc.subjectBeaver’s coefficientuk
dc.subjectZ-Score modeluk
dc.subjectLis’s modeluk
dc.subjectTaffler’s modeluk
dc.subjectFulmer’s modeluk
dc.subjectSpringgate’s modeluk
dc.subjectChesser’s modeluk
dc.subjectDepalyan’s modeluk
dc.titleNeural network technologies of investment risk estimation taking into account the legislative aspectuk
dc.typeArticle, Scopus-WoS

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Показати скорочену інформацію