Building automation of the computer systems of management reporting
Romanyuk, A. N.
Bevz, S. V.
Burbelo, S. M.
Романюк, О. Н.
Бевз, С. В.
Бурбело, С. М.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЗ [1384]
- Наукові роботи каф. ЕСС [342]
The codification system of models has been suggested in the article, which unlike the others makes it possible to unify the description of the basic information models. The use of the proposed logical-mathematical apparatus of representation models was illustrated by way of example of developing an automated system for building computer control systems of management reporting. The formation of the control system of
power sales reporting of “Vinnytsiaoblenergo” Ltd. was made by the use of the developed information technology.