Педагогічні умови формування риторичної культури майбутніх викладачів технічних університетів
Залюбівська, О. Б.
Діденко, О. В.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ФГН [162]
У статті визначено й обґрунтовано педагогічні умови формування риторичної культури майбутніх викладачів технічних університетів (спрямованість процесу формування риторичної культури магістрантів на майбутню науково-педагогічну діяльність; застосування інтерактивної педагогічної технології формування риторичної культури магістрантів в межах навчального курсу риторики; упровадження дистанційного навчання риторики; інтеграція змісту гуманітарних дисциплін і позанавчальних заходів у технічному університеті з метою створення навчального риторичного середовища). In the article the were defined 4 pedagogical conditions forming rhetorical culture of future teacher’s of technical universities: direction of formation process rhetoric culture of undergraduates for future scientific and pedagogical activities; the use of interactive teaching technology of forming of rhetoric culture of undergraduates within the course of rhetoric; introduction of distance learning of rhetoric; integration of humanitarian disciplines and extra-curricular activities at technical university in order to create an educational rhetorical environment.
The first educational condition involves: 1) informative and methodological connection between rhetoric and psycho-pedagogical disciplines of Master training, teaching practice; 2) the use of didactic material that promotes educational values "harmony of knowledge and morality" engineer, teacher, citizen; 3) the use of pedagogically meaningful methods of teaching of rhetoric (debate, game, micro-teaching etc.).
The use of interactive teaching methods of rhetoric proved that this systemically affects on formation of all components of rhetorical culture of students. Also this is of requirement "flexible pedagogy" training of engineers, which forms personally, professionally, socially relevant qualities of future specialists, their ability to interact and the ability to learn throughout life.
Experience of distance learning makes it possible to draw conclusions: efficiency of combining of classroom and distance learning with the use of active and interactive methods are higher than the classroom learning; using remote methods increases the amount and quality of speech activity students (authorial independence of texts and responsibility for them); in distance format, rhetoric realizes its basic educational function - shape the ability of the personality to exist in dialogue.
Educational rhetorical environment is created using: 1) interdisciplinary connections; 2) unity of approaches to teaching (humanistic, axiological, communication and others.); 3) partnerships as a special form of communication between teachers and students; 4) the use of interactive teaching methods that stimulate for speech creative activity of students; 5) unity rhetorical demands teachers to assess creative written work and oral answers students. This contributes to the formation of motivation to rhetorical activities, increases the amount of mental-verbal practice, to the formation engineering-humanitarian valuable thinking.
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