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dc.contributor.authorIshchenko, V. A.en
dc.contributor.authorStyskal, O. A.en
dc.contributor.authorVasylkivsky, I. V.en
dc.contributor.authorKvaternyuk, S. M.en
dc.contributor.authorІщенко, В. А.uk
dc.contributor.authorСтискал, О. А.uk
dc.contributor.authorВасильківський, І. В.uk
dc.contributor.authorКватернюк, С. М.uk
dc.contributor.authorИщенко, В. А.ru
dc.contributor.authorСтискал, О. А.ru
dc.contributor.authorВасильковский, И. В.ru
dc.contributor.authorКватернюк, С. М.ru
dc.identifier.citationAir pollution with heavy metals compounds in Vinnytsia region, Ukraine [Text] / V. Ishchenko, O. Styskal, I. Vasylkivsky [et al.] // Structure and Environment. – 2014. – Vol. 6, № 1. – P. 33-37.en
dc.description.abstractThe dynamics of emission of heavy metals compounds into the air in Vinnytsia region (Ukraine) in 2003-2010 years is analyzed. The level of pollution for compounds of some heavy metals (Cd, Hg) has arisen, for others – has decreased (Pb, Cr) or has not changed (As, Ni). The sources of such pollution are defined according to the amount of the emissions of heavy metals compounds in different sectors of economy. In Vinnytsia region they include transport, industrial plants and municipal sector. Great quantity of transport and hazardous materials are consdered as the reasons of increasing of heavy metals emissions. Usage of more environment friendly resources (e.g. unleaded gasoline, natural gas instead of coal) is defined as the reason of reduction of heavy metals emissions.en
dc.subjectheavy metalsen
dc.subjectair pollutionen
dc.titleAir pollution with heavy metals compounds in Vinnytsia region, Ukraineen

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