Факультет будівництва, цивільної та екологічної інженерії
Останні надходження
Методи ефективного управління опаленням і вентиляцією за допомогою автоматизації інженерних систем
(ВНТУ, 2025)A review of modern automated technologies used to optimize heating and ventilation costs has been conducted. The use of smart thermostats and sensors for precise temperature regulation in indoor spaces has been analyzed, ... -
Інноваційні технології прокладання інженерних мереж
(ВНТУ, 2025)The analysis of the technology of laying urban engineering networks was carried out. The advantages and possibilities of using: the method of horizontal directional drilling, microtunnelling, the use of intelligent ... -
Perovskite solar cells: market prospects and competition with silicon technologies
(ВНТУ, 2025)The article discusses Canon, which has proposed a protective coating for perovskite solar cells that will compete with silicon photovoltaic cells. -
Synthesis and characterization of RTTA-1: a MOF-derived photocatalyst for high-efficiency solar water splitting
(ВНТУ, 2025)The article examines a new material, RTTA-1, which is capable of converting sunlight and water into clean energy with extraordinary efficiency. -
Women`s struggle for equality: history and present
(ВНТУ, 2025)These theses reveal the main stages of women`s struggle for equal rights and the problems they face today. -
Application of artificial intelligence in logistics management
(ВНТУ, 2025)The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in logistics management is considered and analyzed. -
Plastic pollution: a global problem and solutions
(ВНТУ, 2025)Scientists have examined the impact of plastic waste on ecosystems and proposed ways to reduce it, including improved waste management, recycling technologies, and international cooperation. -
Enhancing graduate students` academic writing through corpus linguistics and discourse analysis
(ВНТУ, 2025)This article explores how integrating corpus linguistics with discourse analysis enhances graduate students` academic writing. By examining authentic texts large databases (e.g., COCA, Google Scholar, Scopus), learners ... -
Offline strategies and applications for learning English in the absence of electricity and internet
(ВНТУ, 2025)This paper highlights the importance of resourcefulness and self-directed learning, offering practical solutions to ensure educational continuity in resource-constrained settings. Future research directions include the ... -
Альтернативна енергетика. Повідомлення IV. Селективне очищення гідравлічної оливи AW-46
(ВНТУ, 2024)The feasibility and necessity of mineral oil regeneration is substantiated. Data on the amount of waste oils in Ukraine is provided. It is noted that the total volume of lubricants used in the world is 41.5 million tons, ... -
Аналіз міжнародних практик облаштування сховищ та укриттів
(ВНТУ, 2025)Проведено аналіз практик оснащення сховищ та укриттів у країнах Швейцарія, Ізраіль, США, Південа корея, Україна та визначено переваги та недоліки цих систем. Наведено дослідження забезпечення мікроклімату сховищ та укриттів ... -
Міжнародні практики контролю та моніторингу міських інженерних мереж
(ВНТУ, 2025)An analysis of international practices of control and monitoring of urban engineering networks was conducted. Modern approaches to monitoring are considered, including the use of the Internet of Things (IoT), geographic ... -
Вдосконалення теплотехнічних характеристик легкобетонних виробів шляхом використання технічного вуглецю
(ВНТУ, 2024)The article considers the issue of improving the thermal and mechanical characteristics of building products by introducing polystyrene foam, carbon black, and foaming agent into the mixture for their preparation. A ... -
Electromyographic complex with goniometric tracking of the degree of muscle
(Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2021)The focus of this research is on the upgrade of the electromyographic system of diagnosing back pain. Back pain is a common ailment that affects people of different classes and differs in its intensity. The evaluation of ... -
Mobile robot with optical sensors for remote assessment of plant conditions and atmospheric parameters in an industrial greenhouse
(Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2021)A mobile robot has been developed to monitor the state of the atmosphere and phyto-condition in rotected ground facilities to form control strategies that maximize production profits. The free and open ROS (Robot Operating ... -
Management model for the construction`s waste use in walls manufacturing
(Silesian University of Technology, 2024)The mathematical model, which could be represented as a fuzzy inference tree for project man-agement aimed at waste usage in wall manufacturing, is proposed in the article. The factors classification that affect production`s ... -
Circular foundation parameters optimization by method of boundary elements
(Czech technical university in Prague, 2020)The types of structures, for construction of which it is expedient to use circular foundations, are considered. The advantages of the circular foundations as compared with other types of foundations are determined. ... -
Influence of deicer on water stability of asphalt mixture under freeze–thaw cycle
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2023)У зонах сезонного мерзлого ґрунту повторюваний цикл замерзання-відтавання внутрішньої вологи в асфальтовій суміші взимку та навесні прискорить відшарування асфальтової плівки та посилить пошкодження асфальтового покриття ... -
Причини нерівномірних деформацій будівлі школи, яка зазнала пошкоджень внаслідок підтоплення
(Науоково-дослідний інститут будівельних конструкцій (НДІБК), 2024)The article deals with the scientific and practical problem of determining the causes of differential settlement of school building that were flooded. This building was built in difficult soil conditions and suffered ... -
Reuse of the spent sorbent mixture for wastewater treatment
(Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», 2024)Much of the sorbent used in the food industry is not re-used because it is difficult to regenerate and expensive. Also, the reuse of used sorbents involves their biological cleaning, which is due to the specificity of ...