Спектрофотометрические методы диагностики меланомы кожи. I. Коэффициенты диффузного отражения
Иванов, А. П.
Петрук, В. Г.
Кватернюк, С.М.
Барун, В. В.
Болюх, Д. Б.
Болюх, Б. А.
Іванов, А. П.
Петрук, В. Г.
Кватернюк, С.М.
Барун, В. В.
Болюх, Д. Б.
Болюх, Б. А.
Ivanov, A. P.
Petruk, V. G.
Kvaternyuk, S. M.
Barun, V. V.
Bolyuh, D. B.
Bolyuh, B. A.
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Variuos known non-invasive optical methods used for the diagnostics of skin melanoma are listed. Measurument results of light characteristics multiply scattered by healthy skin and by skin regions with melanova or nevus are given with accounting for the statistical spread of the experimental results. The laboratory setup that operates on the base of the Taylor mothod is described. The gathered data demonstrated an opportunity to differ malignant and benign formations, while operating at the red to near IR range. An example of such a differentiation at wavelength 830 nm is given.