Stimulation of Students` Cognitive Activities in the Process of Foreign Language Learning
Hadaichuk, N.
Herasymenko, N.
Melnyk, O.
Nykyporets, S.
Slobodianiuk, A.
Гадайчук, Н. М.
Герасименко, Н. В.
Мельник, О. Д.
Никипорець, С. С.
Слободянюк, А. А.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [522]
Currently the stimulation of students` cognitive activity in learning a foreign language is one of the most pressing problems of pedagogy. In organizing the educational process of a foreign language, the motivation of students plays a significant role. Successful student motivation helps to set priorities, activate and concentrate thinking, increase interest in learning a foreign language as a whole and perform specific tasks in particular. The article considers the most relevant and actual methods of stimulating students` cognitive activity in the modern technical non-linguistic university, aimed at modern youth, their interests and hobbies. The most expedient methods of activating students` educational activities have been mentioned.