Communicative competence formation among students of non-linguistic universities with the help of mind maps in foreign language lessons
Nykyporets, S. S.
Hadaichuk, N. M.
Medvedieva, S. O.
Никипорець, С. С.
Гадайчук, Н. М.
Медведєва, С. О.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [522]
The article dwells upon a convenient technique in teaching a foreign language – using Mind Maps. Mind Maps are ways of depicting general system thinking using diagrams. This method can be considered as a convenient technique for alternative recording of information. The use of Mind Maps (MM) in the classroom helps to reproduce and memorize new educational material; develops the creative and intellectual abilities of students; helps to organize individual, group and collective activities; implements a differentiated approach to training. Also an effective way of memorizing language and speech material is the creation of MM by students. Different tools and special software for creating MM are also considered in the work. Using MM in foreign language classes, we can enter, consolidate and control the acquisition of vocabulary on the topic under study. The use of mind maps in teaching students gives noticeable positive results, since they make it easy to memorize new words and remember already known ones, activate the processes of memory and thinking.