Communicative competence development among students of non-linguistic universities with the help of TBLT approach in foreign language lessons
Nykyporets, S.
Hadaichuk, N.
Никипорець, С. С.
Гадайчук, Н. М.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [522]
The article contains a comparative analysis of PPP and TBLT approaches to the foreign language learning including the detailed description of the main stages of teaching and lessons planning in the framework of each approach; the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are also considered in the article. It is also emphasized that using TBLT approach in groups of students non-linguistic universities with a low level of foreign language proficiency (A2) is rather difficult. In such situations authors recommend considering the traditional PPP method, which allows practicing and fixing the necessary speech patterns.