Показати скорочену інформацію

dc.contributor.authorСтоляренко, Ол.uk
dc.contributor.authorСтоляренко, О. В.uk
dc.contributor.authorStoliarenko, O.en
dc.contributor.authorStoliarenko, O.en
dc.contributor.authorProkopchuk, V.en
dc.contributor.authorZhuravlova, L.en
dc.contributor.authorDemchenko, I.en
dc.contributor.authorMartynets, L.en
dc.contributor.authorYakovliv, V.en
dc.identifier.citationFostering a Values-Based Attitude towards a Person in Secondary Schools in the Post-Soviet Space [Text] / O. Stoliarenko, O. Stoliarenko, V. Prokopchuk [et al.] // Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. – 2021. – Vol. 13, № 3. – P. 166-188.en
dc.description.abstractThe article justifies the idea that a child is at the heart of educational activity. Subsequently, an educational activity aims to increase the creative potential and social activity of humane personality and recognize the priority of the free development of personality, the value of human beings and preserve their environment. Accordingly, the article aims to develop and verify the conceptual and methodological principles of the scientific and methodical system for cultivating a values-based attitude towards personality in students and introduce the technologies that will enhance their social decency. The article analyzes theoretical foundations, defines the principles and pedagogical conditions for developing the system of values-based orientations in students the post-Soviet space on the example of Ukraine and verifies the effectiveness of these conditions experimentally. The experimental stage of the research employs the following methods to obtain the initial data: brainstorming, questionnaires, the methodology of unfinished sentences, “Q-sorting”, diagnosing the socio-psychological adaptation, diagnosing indicators and forms of aggression, empathic abilities, revealing the ability of effective cooperation and constructive communication, assertive behaviour (Diagnosis of accepting others, Goodwill scale, Express trust diagnostics, Express diagnostics of the level of person`s social isolation); a methodology for identifying the attitude “altruism-egoism” of the personality, value orientations, the integral person`s self-esteem, the assessment of moral development. Through all the parts of the experiment, the positive moves in learning the basic humanistic values were done in the value structure of the personality. The analysis of the data gathered during the investigation gives reasons to state, that during the experiment systematic changes of the educational process were made, the level of fostering a values-based attitude to a person among students has increased.en
dc.publisherLUMEN Publishingen
dc.relation.ispartofRevista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. Vol. 13, № 3 : 166-188.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні наукиuk
dc.subjectcreative potentialen
dc.subjectsocial activityen
dc.subjecthumanistic-oriented personalityen
dc.subjectvalue orientation`s systemen
dc.subjectfree personality`s developmenten
dc.subjectorganizational and pedagogical conditionsen
dc.titleFostering a Values-Based Attitude towards a Person in Secondary Schools in the Post-Soviet Space.en

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Показати скорочену інформацію