Neuropedagogical approach enhancing foreign language acquisition in non-linguistic higher education institutions
Nykyporets, S. S.
Melnyk, O. D.
Hadaichuk, N. M.
Derun, V. H.
Chopliak, V. V.
Никипорець, С. С.
Мельник, О. Д.
Гадайчук, Н. М.
Дерун, В. Г.
Чопляк, В. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [521]
The current study investigates the role of neuropedagogy in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education institutions. Neuropedagogy is an interdisciplinary approach that combines neuroscience principles, cognitive psychology, and pedagogy to optimize learning experiences based on the understanding of human brain functions. The objective of the study is to examine the effectiveness of brain-based teaching strategies and supportive learning environments in promoting language acquisition, retention, and application, and to explore the positive perceptions of neuropedagogical interventions among students and educators.
The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of various brain-based teaching strategies, such as multi-sensory learning, spaced repetition, metacognitive strategies, chunking, contextual learning, and social interaction, have the potential to significantly improve language acquisition, retention, and application. In addition, a supportive learning environment that addresses students` emotional needs and fosters motivation has been shown to enhance language learning success by promoting emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivation, risk-taking, social interaction, and differentiated instruction.
Moreover, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of neuropedagogical interventions in improving language proficiency among students in non-linguistic higher education institutions, confirming the value of incorporating brain-based teaching methods in foreign language education. Students and educators have expressed positive perceptions of neuropedagogical interventions, emphasizing their potential to address individual learning needs, foster engagement, and improve language learning experiences.
The conclusions of this study suggest that a better understanding of the cognitive processes involved in language learning, combined with the implementation of brain-based teaching strategies and supportive learning environments, can contribute to improved language proficiency, retention, and application in non-linguistic higher education institutions. Further exploration in this area could advance our knowledge of the optimal combination of neuropedagogical methods for different learner profiles, language levels, and educational contexts, as well as the potential benefits of integrating neuroscience principles into teacher training programs and technology-enhanced learning environments.
In summary, this study highlights the importance of neuropedagogy in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education institutions and emphasizes the need for continued research and development in this interdisciplinary field. By fostering a deeper understanding of the cognitive processes involved in language learning and implementing innovative teaching practices that cater to the unique challenges faced by students in today`s globalized world, educators can contribute to more effective and engaging foreign language education experiences.