Enhancing cognitive competencies in technical master`s students through an inductive study of English grammar
Nykyporets, S. S.
Melnyk, O. D.
Slobodianiuk, A. A.
Rudnytska, T. H.
Kukharchuk, H. V.
Никипорець, С. С.
Мельник, О. Д.
Слободянюк, А. А.
Рудницька, Т. Н.
Кухарчук, Г. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [521]
In an era marked by technological advancement, global connectivity, and ever-evolving professional landscapes, the cultivation of critical thinking skills remains paramount in the education of Master`s students, particularly in technical disciplines. This article presents an innovative pedagogical approach that intertwines English grammar instruction with the development of critical thinking abilities within the context of technical Master`s programs. The study delves into the intersection of language acquisition and cognitive skill enhancement, offering a comprehensive examination of the impact on students` metacognition, critical analysis, and problem-solving skills.
Traditionally, the domains of language learning and critical thinking have existed in educational silos, rarely intersecting. Language courses typically emphasize grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills, while the cultivation of critical thinking has been relegated to specialized coursework. This study challenges this division by investigating the potential symbiosis between language acquisition and cognitive skill development, particularly in the context of technical education.
To explore the integration of English grammar instruction and critical thinking development, a multifaceted research approach was adopted. The study included quantitative assessments, qualitative analysis, and the collection of student perspectives. Participants, drawn diverse technical fields, engaged in an innovative inductive grammar learning approach that was seamlessly incorporated into their existing coursework. Pre- and post-tests were administered to measure changes in critical thinking skills, encompassing problem-solving, analytical reasoning, and creative thinking. Qualitative analysis was conducted to delve into students` perceptions, metacognition, and their experiences with the integrated approach.
The integration of English grammar instruction within technical Master`s programs presents a promising avenue for nurturing critical thinking skills, which are indispensable for navigating the multifaceted challenges of the XXI century. This groundbreaking study showcases the transformative potential of merging language acquisition with cognitive development. As educators and researchers venture into this uncharted territory, the prospects for enhancing critical thinking in technical education gleam ever more brightly.