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dc.contributor.authorЛіщинська, Л. Б.uk
dc.identifier.citationЛіщинська Л. Б. Місце і роль електронної комерції у складі цифрової економіки [Текст] // Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Серія "Економічні науки". – 2018. – № 5. – С. 217-220.uk
dc.description.abstractЗастосування інструментів електронної комерції надає можливість підприємствам безперешкодно пропонувати, просувати й продавати свою продукцію без територіальних обмежень, постійно розширювати свою клієнтську базу та охоплювати нові ринки за відносно незначних зусиль, витрат часу і ресурсів. У статті розглядається місце і роль електронної комерції у складі цифрової економіки.uk
dc.description.abstractAn important component of the digital economy in Ukraine is the use of modern digital information technologies as an important element of effective governance. The digital economy is not possible without the IT sphere, since it is aimed at using a wide range of services or products provided by IT companies, including online trading, e-government, etc. E-commerce is one that provides e-business, it is one way of doing it. Before any enterprise in the process of implementing its economic activity, the question arises of maximizing profits while minimizing costs. What prompts the search for options to make their products available to more consumers. The use of telecommunication facilities, which are an integral part of the digital economy, in particular the means of the global Internet, which allow the formation of an advertising platform, provide complete information about products and services, their advantages and differences, to organize interconnections and to allocate the company among others on the market. The use of e-commerce tools enables enterprises to freely offer, promote and sell their products without territorial restrictions, constantly expand their customer base and cover new markets with relatively little effort, time and resources. In connection with this, study of methods and tools of e-commerce as a promising means of solving problems of product sales, which leads to positive changes for both the enterprise and its consumers, is also an important precondition for the Ukrainian companies to enter the world market. Position and the role of the electronic commerce in the digital economy structure are decided in this article. The influence of the Internet on the sale of goods and services was traced, the role of Internet technologies in business and the main reasons for their association were determine. Considered the tool of business management in the field of e-commerce - an electronic trading platform, the main technologies of its creation are researched. Electronic commerce in the digital economy has lately shown an intense pace of development that will further increase. All this is connected with the growing understanding of the priorities of e-commerce, the existence of a substantially developed information infrastructure, as well as significant state support for the development of the digital economy as a wholeen
dc.publisherХмельницький національний університетuk
dc.relation.ispartofВісник Хмельницького національного університету. № 5 : 217-220.uk
dc.relation.ispartofseriesЕкономічні наукиuk
dc.subjectцифрова економікаuk
dc.subjectелектронна комерціяuk
dc.subjectінформаційні технологіїuk
dc.titleМісце і роль електронної комерції у складі цифрової економікиuk

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