Optoimmittance logic elements
Lishchynska, L. B.
Paweł, Komada
Ліщинська, Л. Б.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ПЗ [1384]
Justification of optoimmittance logic and conception of construction of optoimmittance logic elements is developed, the system of their classification is grounded, basic parameters are certain, formulated requirements and the analysis of possible ways of their technical realization is conducted. Proposed in the concept of building immittance logic allows you to create high-frequency logic elements on the active components operating in quasi-linear mode, which partially overcomes the above mentioned disadvantages and to develop the logic elements formed by optical emitters and receivers in combination with generalized immittance converters - optoimmittance logic elements. By combining to set the logic level, optical and immittance parameters is possible to realize a large number of optoimmittance logic elements.