Some special features of the work on foreign language professional texts in technical higher education institution
Ibrahimova, L.
Nykyporets, S.
Derun, V.
Herasymenko, N.
Ібрагімова, Л. М.
Никипорець, С. С.
Дерун, В. Г.
Герасименко, Н. В.
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- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [522]
The article discusses the problem of teaching reading in non-linguistic universities and states that it is one of the most burning one. It also gives a brief description of some features of the work with professional literature in technical higher education institutions. Exercises and materials in the article demonstrate the variety of forms and methods of the work with professional texts in specialty in technical universities. The role of silent reading is described and different methods and techniques of the work when forming skills of productive reading and their improvement at all stages of learning a foreign language are considered. It is stated that reading is one of the most important types of communicative and cognitive activity. It also promotes mastering all aspects of foreign language and speech activity. Authors believe that by teaching students to read, one can develop the skills of recognizing and distinguishing language models in the text, gradually bringing these skills to automatism. Some of these issues are analysed both in theoretical and practical aspects.