Development and Validation of a Mathematical Model for Pyroelectric Temperature Measurement Sensors for Application in Mobile Robotic Systems
Semenov, A.
Baraban, S.
Kovtun, V.
Baraban, M.
Arseniuk, I.
Rudyk, A.
Семенов, А. О.
Барабан, С. В.
Ковтун, В. В.
Барабан, М. В.
Арсенюк, І. Р.
Рудик, А. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІРТС [780]
- Наукові роботи каф. АІІТ [268]
A pyroelectric temperature sensor for measuring human body temperature with increased accuracy and speed for application in mobile robotic systems has been developed. This pyroelectric temperature sensor for measuring human body temperature is intended for use in various educational institutions. Its usage will allow for identifying sick or potentially ill people and providing them with preliminary advice and avoid infecting other people. This is particularly important considering the seasonality of dangerous infectious diseases and the emergence of new ones (e.g., COVID-19). It is also advisable to use this pyroelectric sensor in hospitals, where temperature measurement is very crucial for monitoring the course of various diseases. The proposed pyroelectric temperature sensor
is based on a nonlinear oscillatory system, which provides high sensitivity and allows for solving the problem of increasing the accuracy of measuring the human body temperature in a non-contact way. Measurement error is ±0.1% in the operating range (32–43) ◦C, measurement time—1 s, and the frequency instability is 3·10−4.
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