Ціннісне ставлення до життя і забезпечення його якості в глобалізованому світі
Столяренко, Ол. В.
Столяренко, О. В.
Слободянюк, А. А.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
The present paper concentrates
on analyzing the issues of a value-centered attitude to life and ensuring its quality
in the globalized world. Considered here are philosophical and sociological aspects
of a value-centered attitude to life and its important role in the course of civilizational
development. The previous century was characterized by both the highest achievements
of the human spirit and the most difficult challenges. It also introduced striking
contradictions in social development. On the one hand, it was a vivid manifestation
of human tendency to rethink one`s own way of life, the search for fair forms of human
coexistence, special attention of public opinion to moral, ethical, global, environmental
problems, and on the other hand it was characterized by unprecedented attempts
to discover culture, human life and aspirations to subordinate it to ethnic, ideological
and political interests. That is why the understanding of the general philosophical
meaning of the category of \"values\", the definition of the system of values and their role
in the general strategy of humanistic education of youth, the forming of its
value-centered attitude towards a person and his life deserve special attention and