Neural Network Modeling Method of Transformations Data of Audit Production with Returnable Waste
Neskorodieva, Tatiana
Fedorov, Eugene
Smirnov, Oleksii
Rymar, Pavlo
Нескородєва, Т. В.
Федоров, Є. Є.
Смірнов, О. А.
Римар, П. В.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЗ [1384]
Currently, the analytical procedures used during the audit are based on data mining techniques. The
object of the research is the process of the content auditing of the production with returnable waste
and intermediate products. The aim of the work is to reduce the risk of incorrect display of the dataset
in the DSS of the audit of the method of neural network modeling of transformations of audit data of
production with recyclable waste and intermediates. This will reduce the risk of the validated data
misclassification. Audit data set transformations of a prerequisite "Completeness" are presented the
sequences of sets data mappings of consecutive operations. Reached further development a method
of parametrical identification of the MRMLP model which considers number of iterations of training
and combines Gaussian distributions and Cauchy that increases the forecast accuracy as on initial
iterations all search space is investigated, and on final iterations the search becomes directed. The
software implementing the offered methods in MATLAB package was developed and investigated on
the data of the release of raw materials into production and the posting of finished products of a with
a two-year depth of sampling with daily time intervals. The made experiments confirmed operability
of the developed software and allow to recommend it for use in practice in a subsystem of the
automated analysis of DSS of audit for check of maps of sets of data of the raw materials release into
production and the products output.