Розробка автоматизованої системи формування розкладу навчальних занять з використанням 1С: «Підприємство»
Римар, П. В.
Войтко, Б. С.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ПЗ [1384]
This article is devoted to the development of complex software on the platform 1C Enterprise for automated scheduling of
educational processes in higher education institutions. The developed system is designed to solve the problems of electronic document
management and scheduling classes in educational institutions of the I-IV level of accreditation, as these problems are still one of the most
pressing in the organization of the educational process. This automated system should reduce the time of operations, provide the easiest way
to form and make changes to the schedule of the educational process, which are the main objectives of this software, because the correct
schedule is, the key to successful distribution of student groups, classroom and teaching staff. In general, the article considers the
comparative characteristics of some of the existing analogues, their advantages and disadvantages, describes the problem statement,
provides a general description of the system development and summarizes the work. The result of the work is the creation on the basis of the
1C Enterprise of a full-fledged automated system for the formation of training schedules. A system has been created that meets all modern
norms and requirements. It combines convenience, functionality and a simple appearance. The system has the ability to leave comments with
wishes, create an account, create a schedule and reports. Menu pages with subsystems and detailed information about each directory,
document and report are created. The developed system can be used in any educational institution due to the developed capabilities and
functionality. It is recommended for acquaintance to young scientists and readers who are interested in software development on the basis of
the 1C Enterprise platform or formation of schedules of educational processes Дана стаття присвячена розробці складного програмного забезпечення на платформі 1С «Підприємство»
для автоматизованого формування розкладу навчальних процесів у закладах вищої освіти. Розроблювана система
покликана розв’язати проблеми електронного документообігу та складання розкладу занять, адже ці проблеми,
як і раніше, залишаються одними з найактуальніших в організації навчального процесу