Teaching students efficient reading
Навчання студентів ефективному читанню
Хоменко, Н. П.
Яковець, О. Р.
Хоменко, Н. П.
Яковец, О. Р.
Khomenko, N. P.
Yakovets, O. R.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [522]
The article is dedicated to the importance of teaching students of technical specialties efficient reading since in future the majority of them will have to look through the vast amount of information and to be able to fetch the material they need. The actuality of the given problem does not arouse any doubt because the quick orientation in the great flow of data is one of the urgent and the most difficult tasks the young specialists will face in their work after graduating from the university. The authors analyze the last investigations which initiated the solving of this problem and refer to them. The connection of the problem with practical work is pointed out in the paper.
Taking into consideration the role of the teacher when teaching efficient reading, the authors focus on it as a separate aspect of mastering a foreign language and point to its importance in the work with technical literature. The effective way to teach reading is summarized when improving reading skills of any student begins with identifying his weaknesses and then implementing appropriate methods for strengthening these skills. It is obvious that some of these problems result from intensive reading. The students are so used to thorough approach of analyzing words, phrases and sentences before tackling meaning that they generally equate the intensive study of the structure of a text to complete comprehension of its meaning. It takes some time to convince them that slow word by word reading does not mean efficient reading and that by concentrating on every word they delay the transmission of information from their short term memory to their long term one which results in poor comprehension.
Special attention is paid to the group work under teacher’s guide. Through guided reading one can teach different efficient reading skills which are described by the authors with comments on each of them. Besides, the authors of the article share their practical experience which they implement in their work at classes using different types of efficient reading and making students interact with their classmates in English, express not only their points of view but also respect different ideas and opinions. It is stressed that the major responsibilities teachers have in group learning are to design and set up practice situations through role games.
In conclusion , it should be said that efficient reading is very perspective area of investigation in teaching how to work with literature on specialty. Навчання ефективному читанню надзвичайно важливе для студентів технічних спеціальностей, які мають вибрати необхідний матеріал з величезної кількості інформації.У роботі представлені різні концепції, основані на психолінгвістичному методі навчання читанню. Особлива увага приділяється читанню під керівництвом викладача, що допомагає студентам краще зрозуміти зміст матеріалу та висловити свою точку зору англійською мовою.