Автоматичне калібрування лінійності з ваговою надлишковістю
Азаров, О. Д.
Черняк, О. І.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ОТ [751]
Описано метод та структурну організацію автоматичного калібрування лінійності АЦП з ваговою надлишковістю на основі побітової арифметики. The bit-serial arithmetic based method and structure organization of automatic linearity calibration for ADC with weight redundancy are described in this article. The calibration characteristics of ADC with order-by-order indemnification are used for defining the accuracy of an analog-to-digital signal conversion. This method was developed for ADC with self-calibration which works in gold 1-proportion numerical system. The method is based on comparison of results of two ADC, which converts the same signal. Various pipeline bit-serial arithmetic devices in this numerical system were developed by the authors, which was described in scientific publications and can be used for calculation of linearity deviation in such way.