Наукові роботи каф. ІМ: Недавні надходження
Відображеня елементи 181-200 із 521
Overview of the current state of information technology and web development, JavaScript and its frameworks
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article explores the development of information technology and web development, as well as the JavaScript programming language. -
Development of information technologies in Ukraine: current issues
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article examines the problems of information technology development in Ukraine and ways to solve them -
Translation as one of the major factors in learning foreign language
(ВНТУ, 2023)This article analyzes the essence and role of translation as a key factor in foreign language learning among Ukrainian technical university students, utilizing various lexical and grammatical constructs of an appropriate ... -
Методологічні підходи формування професійної мобільності майбутніх педагогів
(Кременчуцький національний університет імені Михайла Остроградського, 2021)Розглянуто особливості розвитку сучасного світу, що характеризується процесами глобалізації, інформатизації, стрімким технологічним розвитком до якого додаються соціально-економічні перетворення, які відбуваються в Україні. ... -
An artificial leaf that will produce fuel
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article discusses the technology of creating an artificial leaf that can convert solar energy into electrical energy. Such devices use semiconductor materials that interact with solar radiation to create electron ... -
Reduction of electric power losses in 10(6) kV industrial enterprise networks
(ВНТУ, 2023)Formulas for evaluating the duration of maximum losses during the use of maximum power have been presented and analyzed with the aim of applying them to calculate losses. -
Incidental and intentional vocabulary learning within esp format
(ВНТУ, 2023)This article explores the concepts of incidental and intentional vocabulary learning within the context of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It highlights the key characteristics of each approach, emphasizing the ... -
Challenges of translating scientific texts english into Ukrainian: some problems and solutions
(ВНТУ, 2023)This article focuses on the challenges of translating scientific terminology English to Ukrainian, including the need for accurate and consistent terminology, the role of context in translation, and the importance of ... -
Reduction of voltage fluctuations in the network
(ВНТУ, 2023)The analysis of voltage fluctuations within and means for reducing oscillations is considered in the work. Influence of voltage fluctuations on the operation of electrical appliances. Permissible parameters of voltage ... -
Use of photovoltaic power plants in the kherson region
(ВНТУ, 2023)At this stage of the research work, the main steps for the post-war restoration of the energy system were considered. Based on the results of the work carried out, conclusions were drawn regarding the relevance of the issue ... -
Energy-saving solutions in the development of the power supply system
(ВНТУ, 2023)The efficiency criteria for comparative evaluation of the control effect of static capacitor batteries used for reactive power compensation, for balancing the electrical mode of both three-wire and four-wire networks, as ... -
Consequences of higher current harmonics in power supply networks
(ВНТУ, 2023)In this work negative consequences are considered that can entail ultraharmonics, problems due to which harmonic distortions arise. -
Gotland High Voltage Direct Current Link
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article examines the world`s first high-voltage direct current line. The historical significance of this construction. -
How efficient are the systems of lightning protection of the building?
(ВНТУ, 2023)This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the various lightning protection systems employed in modern building structures. It discusses the principles and methodologies involved in the design and installation of ... -
Management of enterprises in the telecommunication industry of Ukraine
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article examines the main problems of the development of telecommunications in Ukraine in recent years. The reasons for the introduction and use in telecommunication networks of telecommunications operators of new ... -
Ways of improving the professional competence of foreign language teachers of a technical university in the conditions of blended learning
(Громадська наукова організація «Всеукраїнська асамблея докторів наук з державного управління», 2023)This article explores the ways of improving the professional competence of foreign language teachers at technical universities under the conditions of blended learning. Blended learning, a combination of traditional ... -
Semiotic approach in teaching English to students of power engineering in non-linguistic universities
(ВНТУ, 2023)Семіотичний підхід до викладання англійської мови останнім часом привертає все більше уваги, оскільки він пропонує комплексний і цілісний спосіб розвитку мовних навичок. Цей підхід підкреслює важливість розуміння мови ... -
Advantages of using the project method in foreign language lessons as an effective method of teaching English to students of non-linguistic universities
(Norwegian Academy of Sciences, 2023)The article is devoted to the formation of key communicative competencies and the project method, as one of the interactive methods of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. The subject of study in ... -
The role of assessment in the educational process
(ВНТУ, 2023)Оцінювання відіграє важливу роль у навчальному процесі, надаючи цінну інформацію про навчання та досягнення студентів. Шляхом вимірювання результатів навчання, ідентифікації сильних і слабких сторін та інформування про ... -
Comparison of educational development trends in Ukraine and Great Britain
(Громадська наукова організація «Всеукраїнська Асамблея докторів наук із державного управління», 2023)The article provides a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the key trends, factors, and innovations shaping the development of education systems in both countries. By examining their historical backgrounds, current ...