Наукові роботи каф. ІМ: Недавні надходження
Відображеня елементи 81-100 із 521
Methods of storing electricity and their relevance for residents of Ukraine
(ВНТУ, 2024)The work is devoted to methods of saving electricity in homes. Methods that help solve the problem of ecology in Ukraine were considered. Improper or excessive use of electricity causes problems in the economy, environment, ... -
The most outstanding characteristics of modern english
(ВНТУ, 2024)The article explores the remarkable transformation of English to the spoken language worldwide today. It delves into its outstanding characteristics, including its open embrace of borrowed words, its relatively simple ... -
The difference between e-business, e-commerce and internet trade
(ВНТУ, 2024)The article examines the essence and relationship of the concepts of “e-Business”, “e-Commerce” and “Internet trade”. General definitions of these concepts are provided, and their essence and features are revealed. The ... -
Management of information flows under conditions of logistics digitalization
(ВНТУ, 2024)This article explores the way digital logistics improves supply chain management, enhancing efficiency and customer engagement. Additionally, it highlights strategic considerations like virtual platform adoption and warehouse ... -
Автентичні англомовні джерела текстового формату: види, функції та освітній потенціал для студентів технічних спеціальностей
(Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2023)The article explores types and functions of professional English-language sources in text format. The author examines various aspects of using such materials in the process of learning English by students of technical ... -
Study of Recreational Potentialof Vinnytsia Region
(ВНТУ, 2024)Recreation is a process based on the recreation of people in their free time work. The recreational sphere includes industries and enterprises that provide recreation for the purpose of restoring physical and psychological ... -
Globalization impacts of cloud-based language teaching services (CLTS) in technical university education
(Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, 2023)This work provides an overview of the impact of cloud-based language teaching services in technical universities, emphasizing their role in enhancing language education within the context of globalization. Cloud-based ... -
Evolving expressions: contemporary trends in English phraseology and their sociocultural implications
(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024)This article delves into the dynamic landscape of modern English phraseology, exploring how it is shaped by digital communication, globalization, and societal changes. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study analyses ... -
Enhancing cognitive competencies in technical master`s students through an inductive study of English grammar
(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи», 2024)In an era marked by technological advancement, global connectivity, and ever-evolving professional landscapes, the cultivation of critical thinking skills remains paramount in the education of Master`s students, particularly ... -
Bridging the void: understanding and addressing lexical lacunae in English
(ВНТУ, 2024)This article explores the concept of lexical lacunae in the English language, highlighting the absence of specific words or phrases to express ideas present in other cultures. Through a comparative linguistic and cultural ... -
Exploring the challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations surrounding the incorporation of innovative technologies in adult education
(Білоцерківський інститут неперервної професійної освіти ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти», 2023) -
Упровадження інноваційних технологій вивчення англійської мови майбутніми фахівцями галузі знань інформаційні технології
(Видавництво «Молодий вчений», 2022)Innovative approaches to the organization and conduct of educational activities in the English language, which are based on the use of digital technology, provide for the development of content and organ-izational and ... -
Lexical innovations in the field of computer ergonomics: an analysis of emerging terminology
(ВНТУ, 2024)This article presents an in-depth analysis of the emergent terminological landscape in the field of computer ergonomics, emphasizing the intersection of linguistic innovation and ergonomic design. ВікторіяBy examining a ... -
Advancing critical thinking skills among higher education students through English language instruction: contemporary approaches and strategies
(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи» ; «Християнська академія педагогічних наук України», 2024)This scientific article delves into the critical issue of enhancing critical thinking skills among higher education students through English language instruction. Rooted in empirical research and guided by contemporary ... -
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) in the context of foreign language teaching in higher technical institutions of Ukraine
(ВНТУ, 2024)This paper explores the burgeoning role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in enhancing the educational landscape of Ukrainian technical universities. Amidst a rapidly evolving technological world, MOOCs have emerged ... -
Impact of artificial intelligence on sustainable development of tertiary technical education in Ukraine
(WayScience, 2023)This work examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies on the sustainable development of tertiary technical education in Ukraine. It explores the current educational infrastructure, ... -
Structural and semantic challenges of translating English terminological phrases within the specialized realms of energy and electrical engineering
(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи» ; «Християнська академія педагогічних наук України», 2024)In an increasingly interconnected world, the translation of specialized terminological phrases transcends linguistic boundaries, assuming paramount importance in facilitating cross-cultural collaboration and knowledge ... -
The impact of globalization on English power engineering terminology
(Кам`янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, 2023)This study explores the impact of globalization on English power engineering terminology, revealing the intricate interplay of diverse linguistic influences, technological advancements, and international collaboration. ... -
Digital technologies and academic integrity: exploring challenges and opportunities in the contemporary educational landscape
(Міжрегіональна Академія Управління персоналом, 2023)This scientific study meticulously explores the intricate interplay between digital technologies and academic integrity, dissecting adaptive strategies, cultural influences, ethical dilemmas, and preventive measures. Through ... -
Розвиток цифрової грамотності здобувачів освіти засобами цифрових освітніх середовищ
(Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, 2023)The digitalisation of the educational environment (EE) of a higher education institution (HEI) is associated with the development of resources and the material and technical base of the institution, the formation of human ...