Online testing: knowledge control during distance learning of the English language at a non-linguistic university in conditions of full-scale armed aggression
Nykyporets, S.
Medvedieva, S.
Hadaichuck, N.
Herasymenko, N.
Медведєва, С. О.
Гадайчук, Н. М.
Герасименко, Н. В.
Никипорець, С. С.
Показати повну інформаціюCollections
- Наукові роботи каф. ІМ [521]
The article deals with some issues of online testing technology in conditions of full-scale armed aggression, which is increasingly being used in pedagogical practice when teaching such an interdisciplinary subject as a foreign language at a non-linguistic university. The advantages and disadvantages of this method of teaching and controlling students` knowledge are revealed. An analysis is presented and the vulnerabilities of modern online testing systems are investigated.