Кафедра іноземних мов: Недавні надходження
Відображеня елементи 101-120 із 594
Bridging the void: understanding and addressing lexical lacunae in English
(ВНТУ, 2024)This article explores the concept of lexical lacunae in the English language, highlighting the absence of specific words or phrases to express ideas present in other cultures. Through a comparative linguistic and cultural ... -
Exploring the challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations surrounding the incorporation of innovative technologies in adult education
(Білоцерківський інститут неперервної професійної освіти ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти», 2023) -
Упровадження інноваційних технологій вивчення англійської мови майбутніми фахівцями галузі знань інформаційні технології
(Видавництво «Молодий вчений», 2022)Innovative approaches to the organization and conduct of educational activities in the English language, which are based on the use of digital technology, provide for the development of content and organ-izational and ... -
Lexical innovations in the field of computer ergonomics: an analysis of emerging terminology
(ВНТУ, 2024)This article presents an in-depth analysis of the emergent terminological landscape in the field of computer ergonomics, emphasizing the intersection of linguistic innovation and ergonomic design. ВікторіяBy examining a ... -
Advancing critical thinking skills among higher education students through English language instruction: contemporary approaches and strategies
(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи» ; «Християнська академія педагогічних наук України», 2024)This scientific article delves into the critical issue of enhancing critical thinking skills among higher education students through English language instruction. Rooted in empirical research and guided by contemporary ... -
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) in the context of foreign language teaching in higher technical institutions of Ukraine
(ВНТУ, 2024)This paper explores the burgeoning role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in enhancing the educational landscape of Ukrainian technical universities. Amidst a rapidly evolving technological world, MOOCs have emerged ... -
Impact of artificial intelligence on sustainable development of tertiary technical education in Ukraine
(WayScience, 2023)This work examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies on the sustainable development of tertiary technical education in Ukraine. It explores the current educational infrastructure, ... -
Structural and semantic challenges of translating English terminological phrases within the specialized realms of energy and electrical engineering
(Видавнича група «Наукові перспективи» ; «Християнська академія педагогічних наук України», 2024)In an increasingly interconnected world, the translation of specialized terminological phrases transcends linguistic boundaries, assuming paramount importance in facilitating cross-cultural collaboration and knowledge ... -
The impact of globalization on English power engineering terminology
(Кам`янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, 2023)This study explores the impact of globalization on English power engineering terminology, revealing the intricate interplay of diverse linguistic influences, technological advancements, and international collaboration. ... -
Exploring the evolving dynamics of axiological concepts in the modern linguistic space: a comprehensive scientific analysis
(Publishing House «Baltija Publishing», 2023)This exploration delves into the interplay of axiological concepts with globalization, technology, societal changes, political movements, environmental awareness, global crises, and cultural fusion. These influential forces ... -
An empirical analysis of active and interactive pedagogical strategies in the context of distance learning environments: a comparative study
(CERN Data Centre & InvenioRDM, 2023)This empirical analysis investigates the profound impact of active and interactive pedagogical strategies within the context of distance learning environments. Focused on assessing their effectiveness, identifying best ... -
Digital technologies and academic integrity: exploring challenges and opportunities in the contemporary educational landscape
(Міжрегіональна Академія Управління персоналом, 2023)This scientific study meticulously explores the intricate interplay between digital technologies and academic integrity, dissecting adaptive strategies, cultural influences, ethical dilemmas, and preventive measures. Through ... -
Розвиток цифрової грамотності здобувачів освіти засобами цифрових освітніх середовищ
(Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, 2023)The digitalisation of the educational environment (EE) of a higher education institution (HEI) is associated with the development of resources and the material and technical base of the institution, the formation of human ... -
Cyber security on the internet
(ВНТУ, 2023)The purpose of the article is to define the place, role and function of cyber security. Cybersecurity plays an important role in the information technology sector. Information security has become one of the serious ... -
Why should Ukrainian IT specialists be proficient in English language?
(ВНТУ, 2023)This report examines the reasons why should Ukrainian IT specialists have a great command of English. The perspectives of Ukrainian IT companies are discussed. -
Гуманізація і ще раз гуманізація
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article is devoted to the problem of humanization of education, humanization of professional training of future specialists. Humanization is considered to be a process of creating conditions for self-determination of ... -
Урбанонімія Вінниці у контексті деколонізації і дерусифікації (третя хвиля перейменувань 2022 р.)
(Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2023)The article comprehensively examines the urban names of the city of Vinnytsia in the context of decolonization and de-Russification in the period of 2022, studies the general trends of street renaming, analyzes the motives ... -
Policy proposal for improving the education system in Ukraine in order to eliminate the “Brain Drain” crisis to increase economic growth within 3/5 years
(ВНТУ, 2022)The article is devoted to clarifying the problem of the education system in Ukraine and the causes of "brain drain" and ways to eliminate them -
Розвиток можливостей та зміна структури веброзробки
(ВНТУ, 2023)The article talks about the development of websites, new technologies and the possibilities of users to interact with web applications -
Вплив хмарних обчислень на електронну комерцію
(ВНТУ, 2023)This article is about cloud computing in the electronic commerce sphere, the noting of cloud services and the ecommerce, and the advantages of using them in business.