Показати скорочену інформацію

dc.contributor.authorКоваль, Н. О.uk
dc.contributor.authorПілявоз, Т. М.uk
dc.contributor.authorГлущенко, Л. Д.uk
dc.contributor.authorKoval, N.en
dc.contributor.authorPilyavoz, T.en
dc.contributor.authorGlushchenko, L.en
dc.identifier.citationКоваль Н. О. Інноваційний інструментарій банківської сфери на основі бенчмаркінгу [Текст] / Н. О. Коваль, Т. М. Пілявоз, Л. Д. Глущенко // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Економіка. – 2021. – Т. 26, Вип. 5 (90). – С. 97-101.uk
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано особливості застосування різновидів бенчмаркінгу. Виділено його складові при впровадженні позитивного досвіду конкурентів і партнерів. Здійснено оцінку сучасного стану банківської системи України. Нагальної проблемою сьогодення є адаптація банківського сектору до сучасних умов функціонування. Банкам необхідні досить стійки конкурентні переваги на основі впровадження в практику принципів бенчмаркінгу.uk
dc.description.abstractBenchmarking as a tool of constant self-improvement of a bank is studied with regard to the peculiarities of the banking sector. Benchmarking is considered as a method, with the help of which achievements of a bankleader or a bank-standard serve as a reference point for improvement of own business strategy. The necessity of borrowing of the best experience in various directions of the banking sphere and its adaptation to own activity for the purpose of reception of considerable competitive advantages at the market of banking services is substantiated. The features of applying types of benchmarking are analyzed and its components in the implementation of the positive experience of competitors and partners are highlighted. It is established that benchmarking assumes the analysis of reference practice in the world and is directly connected with strategic management system. One of the most effective tools in the banking market is benchmarking. Many scientists identify its emergence with the search of new approaches and constant movement to be ahead of competitors in the banking sector. The main task for each bank is to ensure sustainable competitive advantage through the implementation of principles and methods of innovative marketing technologies. The relevance of the study is due to the emergence of a large number of intermediaries in the financial market, providing almost similar services. Benchmarking allows to identify the most effective technologies of business processes in the banking sector and to apply them in its environment. Benchmarking covers both internal and external environment of the bank. Marketing strategy to improve the management system of the bank based on the implementation of benchmarking should include classification attributes in accordance with the object of benchmarking. Firstly, it relates to the performance of the bank; secondly, it is business processes in the bank; thirdly, improvement of structural divisions; fourthly, improvement of customer service; fifthly, improvement of technologies and information systems of the bank. Benchmarking allows to understand how the most successful banks work and helps to achieve and, in some cases, considerably exceed their results, besides it reduces bank expenses, increases profitability, optimizes the cost structure and choice of bank strategy and so on. In addition, the use of benchmarking leads to a significant reduction in the cost of marketing research, that is, with the help of benchmarking it is possible to improve the bank marketing system. Thus, domestic commercial banks, using this tool, have the opportunity to significantly improve their international positions in the field of marketing research and strategic planning.en
dc.publisherОдеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечниковаuk
dc.relation.ispartofВісник Одеського національного університету. Економіка. Т. 26, Вип. 5 (90) : 97-101.uk
dc.subjectбанківська сфераuk
dc.subjectбанківські послугиuk
dc.subjectbanking servicesen
dc.titleІнноваційний інструментарій банківської сфери на основі бенчмаркінгуuk
dc.title.alternativeInnovative tools of the banking sphere based on benchmarkingen

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