Відображеня елементи 141-160 із 506

    • Англомовні публікації як засіб формування іншомовних комунікативних навичок у студентів технічних ЗВО 

      Андрощук, К. М. (Подільський науковий вісник, 2022)
      The article examines various types and forms of the technical students` work with the scientific articles in the process of learning English. Author also compiled list of recommended modern scientific articles English-speaking ...
    • Використання англомовних фахових публікацій в процесі вивчення англійської мови студентами будівельних спеціальностей 

      Андрощук, К. М. (Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини "Україна", 2023)
      У статті досліджені різні види та форми роботи студентів будівельних спеціальностей із фаховими англомовними публікаціями в процесі вивчення англійської мови у ЗВО; укладений перелік рекомендованих сучасних наукових статей ...
    • Training of future translators in the context of european integration 

      Pradivlyanny, M.; Yitan, W.; Прадівляний, М. Г. (Вінницький торгово-економічний інститут Київського національного торгово-економічного університету, 2021)
    • Cybercrime in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities to combat cybercrime 

      Stoikivskyi, Y. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Стойківський, Ю. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This paper discusses the problem of cybercrime in Ukraine, its challenges and opportunities to combat this phenomenon. The number and sophistication of cyberattacks are growing, threatening national security and the privacy ...
    • Using artificial intelligence for credit risk management 

      Lytus, K. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Литус К.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      The article examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the process of credit risk management in the banking sector. The following key aspects are analyzed: credit risk analysis and prediction, automation of the ...
    • Research of control and connection schemes of photovoltaic power plants 

      Tymoshchuk, V. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Тимощук, В. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      At this stage of research the principles and methods of connection and circuitry of solar power plants are considered.
    • Restoration of the pressure of the stator core of a powerful generator 

      Zavalnyuk, О. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Завальнюк, О. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      The report discusses the method of restoring the pressing pressure of the stator core according to with the help of hydraulic cylinders and pressure plate displacement meters.
    • Accelerating the future: the rise of electric vehicles and the imperative for efficient charging solutions 

      Hnatyuk, D. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Гнатюк, Д. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This article provides an overview of the types of charging stations for electric vehicles and the technologies aimed at reducing the charging time of an electric car to match the refuelling time of internal combustion ...
    • The role of renewable energy in energy transformation 

      Bilokon, V. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Білоконь, В. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This article delves into the global imperative of transitioning towards renewable energy sources as per the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite current advances, the pace of this transition remains inadequate, with 2050 ...
    • Technical devices for use a hydrokinetic energy of river and sea flows 

      Kotsur, V. О.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Коцур, В. О.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      The work presents an overview of the main global developments of hydroturbines and others structural means for the use of river and sea hydrokinetic energy flows, it is proposed to use the Darier turbine developed by the ...
    • Solar panel landfills – our future? 

      Lazyuk, V. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Лазюк, В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This article explores the state of Solar Energy Systems (SES) in Ukraine, focusing on their popularity, efficiency, affordability, and impending disposal problem. Currently, the country boasts a total installed capacity ...
    • Load balancing problems using active filters 

      Kovalsky, B. Y.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Ковальський, Б. Ю.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This article delves into the prevalent challenges associated with the implementation of active filters for load balancing in power consumption systems. Active filters, though efficacious in enhancing power supply quality ...
    • Solar cells: advantages and disadvantages 

      Bondarets, V. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Бондарець, В. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This article explores Solar Energy Systems (SES), their components, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact. SES harness sunlight and convert it into electrical energy via photovoltaic cells in solar panels and inverters ...
    • The role of nuclear power in ensuring energy security and reducing CO2 emissions 

      Rudyshyn, V. S.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Рудишин, В. С.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This article examines the key aspects of nuclear energy in the context of its role in ensuring energy security and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The main advantages of utilizing nuclear energy include low CO2 ...
    • Dairy plant equipment based on a modern freezing device 

      Моvchan, N. S.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Мовчан, Н. С.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This study examines the principles of operation and structure of dairy plant equipment based on a modern freezing device. The focus is on the control system and its components, including pressure relays, executive mechanisms, ...
    • Principles of operation and structure of solar panels 

      Vasyliuk, D. О.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Василюк, Д. О.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      This research work focuses on the principles and structure of solar panels, as well as their resource and factors affecting their performance. The study explores the generation of electric energy solar panels, highlighting ...
    • General data protection regulation 

      Skydan, T. M.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Скидан, Т. М.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      The article examines Ukraine`s approach to national security and cyber security in the context of the development of cyber threats. The importance of public-private cooperation, information exchange and involvement of ...
    • Cyber security as a component of state protection 

      Marushchak, A. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Никипорець, С. С.; Марущак, А. В. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      The article examines Ukraine`s approach to national security and cyber security in the context of the development of cyber threats. The importance of public-private cooperation, information exchange and involvement of ...
    • Zero emission – reality or fiction? 

      Zaliznytskyi, S. M.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Залізницький, С. М.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      Just seven industries and transport will account for 38% of all global CO2 emissions in 2050 unless there are significant changes in current approaches. Consistent action beyond the planned policy could turn the page over ...
    • The importance of user consent and personal data protection laws in the digital age 

      Patsaliuk, K. V.; Nykyporets, S. S.; Пацалюк, К. В.; Никипорець, С. С. (ВНТУ, 2023)
      User permission to collect and process personal information, its types, and examples were considered. The regulations and laws protecting the user`s right to privacy, which are in force in the territories of Europe and the ...